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經典英文童謠 wee sing20CD音頻版+鵝媽媽經典童謠 上千首MP3音樂 DVD版



軟體名稱: 經典英文童謠 wee sing20CD音頻版+鵝媽媽經典童謠
語文版本: MP3音樂 DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 320Kbps/44Khz
檔案格式: MP3
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: MP3音樂
更新日期: 2015.05.25
唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準)
經典英文童謠 wee sing20CD音頻版:

01.Wee Sing- Games, Games, Games
02.Wee Sing for Baby
03.Wee Sing- Dinosaurs
04.Animals, Animals, Animals
05.We Sing in the Car
06.Wee Sing- Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies
07.Wee Sing Around the World
08.Wee Sing Sing-Alongs
09.Children's Songs and Fingerplays
10.Wee Sing Bible Songs
11.Wee Sing- And Pretend
12.Wee Sing- And Play
13.Wee Sing- America
14.Wee Sing for Christmas Disc 1
15.Wee Sing Silly Songs
16.Wee Sing- The Best of Wee Sing
17.weesing mother goose
18.Wee Sing- Fun 'N' Folk
19.Wee Sing- and Move
20.Wee Sing More Bible Songs
wee sing chilren's song and fingerplay兒歌與手指遊戲歌本


My Very First Mother Goose (MP3)
01 Jerry Hall.mp3
02 Mable Mable.mp3
03 Jack and Jill went up the hill.mp3
04 Shoo fly. don't bother me.mp3
05 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wll.mp3
06 I'm Dusty Bill.mp3
07 Down at the station, early in the.mp3
08 Cackle, cakle, Mother Goose.mp3
09 Rain on the green grass.mp3
10 Warm hands, warm.mp3
11 I'm a little teapot to Banbury Cr.mp3
12 Ride a cockhorse.mp3
13 To market, to market, to buy a fa.mp3
14 Jelly on a plate.mp3
15 Wash the dishes.mp3
16 Chrictopher Columbus.mp3
17 1, 2, buckle me shoe.mp3
18 Donkey, donkey, old and gray.mp3
19 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3
20 As I was going to St. Ives.mp3
21 Hey diddle, diddle.mp3
22 Dickory, dickory, dock.mp3
23 Dickory, dickory, dare.mp3
24 The cat's got the measles.mp3
25 Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's m.mp3
26 Diddle, diddle, dumpling.mp3
27 I had a little dolly dressed in g.mp3
28 I had a sausage.mp3
29 Early in the morning at eight o'c.mp3
30 Pease porridge hot.mp3
31 Baa, baa, black sheep.mp3
32 Mademoiselle she went to the well.mp3
33 Sally go round the sun.mp3
34 I see the moon.mp3
35 Great A, littlr a.mp3
36 From Wibbleton to Wobbleton.mp3
37 I asked my mother for fifty cents.mp3
38 Here we go round the mulberry bus.mp3
39 One, two, three, four.mp3
40 One for sorrow two for joy.mp3
41 Whose pigs are these.mp3
42 Chook, choo, chook, chook.mp3
43 Star light, star bright.mp3
44 Cross-patch , draw the latch.mp3
45 I had a little hen.mp3
46 As I was walking through the city.mp3
47 Simple Simon met a pieman.mp3
48 Will you come to my party.mp3
49 I am a Girl Guide.mp3
50 Little Boy Blue, come blow your h.mp3
51 Tinker, tailor.mp3
52 Twinkle, twinkle, little star.mp3
53 The mole.mp3
My very first Mother Goose 信誼出版社.doc

My Very First Mother GOOSE 卡片.pdf
My Very First Mother GOOSE 畫冊.pdf
